have an axe to grind — phrase to have an opinion or aim that influences your decisions and that you want other people to accept or consider an angry young man with an axe to grind Thesaurus: to have an opinion or opinionssynonym Main entry: axe * * * ˌhave an ˈaxe to… … Useful english dictionary
Grind (gaming) — Grinding is a term used in computer gaming to describe the process of engaging in repetitive and/or non entertaining gameplay in order to gain access to other features within the game.cite web | url =… … Wikipedia
Grind house — (also known as GrindHouse, Grindhouse, Gryndhouse, Mühlehaus) is a type of electronic house music that conforms to a set of rules known as The Ten Commandments of Grind House. The style is characterized by the absence of harmonic progression, a… … Wikipedia
have an axe to grind — ► to have a strong opinion about something that you want other people to accept: »Most shareholders have no ax to grind other than keeping company management honest. Main Entry: ↑axe … Financial and business terms
grind away at — ˌgrind a ˈway at [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they grind away at he/she/it grinds away at present participle grinding away at past tense ground away at … Useful english dictionary
have an axe to grind — ► have an axe to grind have a private reason for doing something. Main Entry: ↑axe … English terms dictionary
grind your teeth — phrase to rub your top and bottom teeth together in a way that makes a noise Thesaurus: to have or use teethhyponym Main entry: grind … Useful english dictionary
have an ax to grind — have a self serving reason for doing or being involved in something she joined the board because she had an ax to grind with the school system … Useful english dictionary
grind|stone — «GRYND STOHN», noun. 1. a flat, round stone set in a frame and turned by hand, foot, or motor. It is used to sharpen tools, such as axes and knives, or to smooth and polish things. 2. Obsolete. a millstone. ● ↑have one s nose to the grindstone, ● … Useful english dictionary
have an axe to grind — have a private reason for doing something. → axe … English new terms dictionary
Grind — The grind of a blade refers to the shape of the cross section of the blade. It is distinct from the type of blade ( e.g. , clip point or drop point knife, sabre or cutlass, axe or chisel, etc.), though different tools and blades may have lent… … Wikipedia