Have a Kick Ass Summer (Me and My Friends) — is a song by Alternative rock/Psychedelic rock band The Dandy Warhols. It was released as a single on July 17th 2006 on EMI. It was released as only available for download on iTunes, a decision not made by the band.Fact|date=February 2007A… … Wikipedia
have no kick left — be left totally powerless, have no strength left … English contemporary dictionary
kick your heels — (UK) If you have to kick your heels, you are forced to wait for the result or outcome of something … The small dictionary of idiomes
kick — 1 verb 1 HIT WITH YOUR FOOT (I, T) to hit something with your foot: She kicked me under the table. | Joe, stop kicking! | kick sth down/over etc: The police kicked the door down. | kick sth around/towards etc: Billy was kicking a ball around the… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Kick-to-kick — The aftergame Kick to kick tradition at the Melbourne Cricket Ground is now a rare sight. Follows an AFL match between the Melbourne Demons and Port Adelaide Power, 16000 fans are let onto the hallowed turf. Kick to kick is a pastime and well… … Wikipedia
kick — kickable, adj. kickless, adj. /kik/, v.t. 1. to strike with the foot or feet: to kick the ball; to kick someone in the shins. 2. to drive, force, make, etc., by or as if by kicks. 3. Football. to score (a field goal or a conversion) by place… … Universalium
kick — 1. v. & n. v. 1 tr. strike or propel forcibly with the foot or hoof etc. 2 intr. (usu. foll. by at, against) a strike out with the foot. b express annoyance at or dislike of (treatment, a proposal etc.); rebel against. 3 tr. sl. give up (a habit) … Useful english dictionary
kick into touch — verb a) To kick a ball over the touchline in a game of rugby or football That supplier has failed to deliver on time yet again! We ought to kick them into touch. b) To cease having dealings with someone or something because of problems. It seemed … Wiktionary
Kick\ Rocks — To leave or to have someone leave quickly. If you eat that third burrito, I ll really have to kick rocks … Dictionary of american slang
Kick\ Rocks — To leave or to have someone leave quickly. If you eat that third burrito, I ll really have to kick rocks … Dictionary of american slang
kick in — Synonyms and related words: buy it, cash in, check in, check out, chip in, come, come across, come across with, come down with, come through with, contribute, contribute to, cough up, croak, donate to, drop off, fork over, gift, gift with, give… … Moby Thesaurus