haste makes waste — Waste properly means the squandering of time, money, etc., though it is also used with reference to material waste. c 1386 CHAUCER Tale of Melibee 1.1053 The proverbe seith..in wikked haste is no profit. 1546 J. HEYWOOD Dialogue of Proverbs I. ii … Proverbs new dictionary
haste makes waste — haste makes waste/more haste less speed/ phrase used for saying that if you do something too quickly, you are likely to make mistakes Thesaurus: ways of telling someone not to hurrysynonym Main entry: haste * * * haste makes waste US used to say… … Useful english dictionary
haste makes waste — This idiom means that if you try to do something quickly, without planning it, you re likely to end up spending more time, money, etc, doing it … The small dictionary of idiomes
haste makes waste — time and resources are wasted when something is done in a hurry … English contemporary dictionary
haste makes waste — This idiom means that if you try to do something quickly, without planning it, you re likely to end up spending more time, money, etc, doing it. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
Haste makes waste — This idiom means that if you try to do something quickly, without planning it, you re likely to end up spending more time, money, etc, doing it … Dictionary of English idioms
haste — [heıst] n [U] [Date: 1200 1300; : Old Frenc] 1.) great speed in doing something, especially because you do not have enough time = ↑hurry ▪ I soon regretted my haste. in your haste to do sth ▪ In his haste to leave, he forgot his briefcase. 2.) in … Dictionary of contemporary English
haste — [ heıst ] noun uncount FORMAL great speed in doing something because of limited time: in someone s haste to do something: In my haste to escape, I tripped over a fallen branch. haste makes waste used for saying that if you do something too… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
haste — [hāst] n. [ME < OFr < Frank * haist, violence, akin to OE hæst < IE base * k̑eibh , quick, violent > Sans s̍ibham, quick] 1. the act of hurrying; quickness of motion; rapidity 2. the act of hurrying carelessly or recklessly [haste… … English World dictionary
haste — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Swiftness Nouns haste, urgency; dispatch; acceleration, spurt, forced march, rush, dash; velocity; precipitancy, precipitation, precipitousness; impatience, impetuosity; expedition, earliness; hurry,… … English dictionary for students
haste — hasteful, adj. hastefully, adv. hasteless, adj. hastelessness, n. /hayst/, n., v., hasted, hasting. n. 1. swiftness of motion; speed; celerity: He performed his task with great haste. They felt the need for haste. 2. urgent need of quick action;… … Universalium