(Has the) cat got your tongue?
- (Has the) cat got your tongue?
(Has the) cat got your tongue?
Why are you not saying anything? (Often said by adults to children.) •
Grandpa used to terrify me, both because he was big and fierce-looking and because he usually greeted me by bellowing, “Cat got your tongue?”
Hi, Lisa! How are you? How's your husband? Are you surprised to see me? What's the matter, has the cat got your tongue?
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(has the) cat got your tongue? — spoken phrase used when someone does not speak when you expect them to Thesaurus: ways of asking questions and making requestshyponym to ask a question or questionssynonym Main entry: cat * * * (has the) cat got your … Useful english dictionary
Has the cat got your tongue? — Has the cat got (your) tongue? something that you say to someone when you are annoyed because they will not speak. Well, has the cat got your tongue? I m waiting for an explanation … New idioms dictionary
has the cat got your tongue — did a cat get your tongue? did you swallow your tongue? Why don t you speak? … English contemporary dictionary
has the cat got your... — See cat got your tongue … English idioms
has the cat got your tongue? — said to someone who, when expected to speak, remains silent … Useful english dictionary
Has the cat got tongue? — Has the cat got (your) tongue? something that you say to someone when you are annoyed because they will not speak. Well, has the cat got your tongue? I m waiting for an explanation … New idioms dictionary
cat got your tongue? — If someone asks if the cat has got your tongue, they want to know why you are not speaking when they think you should … The small dictionary of idiomes
cat got your tongue? — If someone asks if the cat has got your tongue, they want to know why you are not speaking when they think you should. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
Sheriff Got Your Tongue? — Infobox Television episode Title = Sheriff Got Your Tongue? Series = Robin Hood Caption = Robin holding the Sheriff at arrowpoint Season = 1 Episode = 2 Airdate = October 14 2006 Production = 102 Writer = Dominic Minghella Director = John McKay… … Wikipedia
cat — [ kæt ] noun count *** 1. ) an animal with soft fur, a long thin tail, and WHISKERS, that people keep as a pet or for catching mice. A young cat is called a kitten. a ) a wild animal that looks like a big cat, for example a lion or TIGER: BIG CAT … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
tongue — tongue1 [ tʌŋ ] noun ** ▸ 1 organ in mouth ▸ 2 language ▸ 3 way of speaking/writing ▸ 4 animal tongue as food ▸ 5 long narrow piece ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count the long soft piece of flesh attached to the bottom of your mouth that you use for tasting … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English