- go off (by oneself)
- go off (by oneself)to go into seclusion; to isolate oneself. •
She went off by herself where no one could find her.
•I have to go off and think about this.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
She went off by herself where no one could find her.
•I have to go off and think about this.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
off one's chest — (informal) To relieve oneself of anxiety, tension, etc about (a concern) by admitting, stating or declaring (it) openly ● chest … Useful english dictionary
off — /awf, of/, adv. 1. so as to be no longer supported or attached: This button is about to come off. 2. so as to be no longer covering or enclosing: to take a hat off; to take the wrapping off. 3. away from a place: to run off; to look off toward… … Universalium
off — 1. adverb 1) Kate s off today Syn: away, absent, out, unavailable, not at work, off duty, on leave, on vacation; free, at leisure; Brit. on holiday Ant: in, at work, working 2) … Thesaurus of popular words
off — 1) vb American to kill. A word popular at the time of the Vietnam War when off the pigs was a slogan much chanted by militant protest ers. The term, possibly derived from bump off, was picked up by British speak ers and enjoyed a brief vogue in… … Contemporary slang
cry off — (Informal) [verb] back out, excuse oneself, quit, withdraw * * * (informal) BACK OUT, pull out, cancel, withdraw, beg off, excuse oneself, change one s mind; informal get cold feet, cop out. → cry * * * verb … Useful english dictionary
beat off — AND ball off; jack off; jag off; jerk off; pull oneself off; toss off; wack off; wank off; whack off; whank off; whip off 1. in. to masturbate. (Usually objectionable.) □ They say if you beat off too much, you’ll get pimples. 2 … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
detach oneself from — 1) she detached herself from the crowd Syn: free oneself from, separate oneself from, segregate oneself from; move away from, split off from; leave, abandon 2) he has detached himself from his family Syn: dissociate oneself from, divorce oneself… … Thesaurus of popular words
get one's rocks off — vb to obtain sexual satisfaction, achieve orgasm, ejaculate. An American vulgarism which became part of the hippy lin guistic repertoire; some British users of the expression are unaware that rocks is a direct euphemism for testicles. (In… … Contemporary slang
make off — verb run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along The thief made off with our silver the accountant absconded with the cash from the safe • Syn: ↑abscond, ↑bolt, ↑absquatulate, ↑decamp, ↑run off, ↑go off … Useful english dictionary
wank oneself/someone off — (or wank off) masturbate … Useful english dictionary
draw off — verb 1. remove by drawing or pulling (Freq. 1) She placed the tray down and drew off the cloth draw away the cloth that is covering the cheese • Syn: ↑draw away, ↑pull off • Hypernyms: ↑remove, ↑ … Useful english dictionary