go easy on someone or something
- go easy on someone or something
go easy on someone or something
to be gentle on someone or something; not to be too critical of someone or something; to take it easy on someone or something. (See also
go easy on something.) •
Go easy on Sherri. She's my friend.
Try to go easy on criticizing their report. They did the best they could in the time allotted.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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something comes easy (to someone) — phrase used for saying that it is not hard for someone to do something Thesaurus: easy to do and to be easysynonym Main entry: easy … Useful english dictionary
soft on someone or something — mod. too easy on someone or something. □ The judge was viewed as being too soft on pushers. □ The cops are soft on speeders in this town … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
it is all too easy (for someone) to do something — phrase used for saying that it is very easy to make a mistake or to do something that will cause problems For most people it is all too easy to put on weight. It is all too easy for someone in authority to think that they are better than everyone … Useful english dictionary
it is easy (for someone) to do something — phrase used for saying that someone thinks a situation is simple, when it is really very complicated or difficult It’s easy for people in cities to think that small towns have no crime. It is easy to forget that many problems remain to be solved … Useful english dictionary
go easy on someone — go easy on (someone) informal to treat someone in a gentle way and not punish them severely if they have done something wrong. They ll probably go easy on him since he hasn t been in trouble before … New idioms dictionary
easy mark — Someone or something easily cheated. ► “The company had acquired a reputation as an easy mark in the claims business.” (Business Marketing, Feb. 1994, p. 34) … American business jargon
easy — eas|y1 [ izi ] adjective *** 1. ) not difficult to do, or not needing much work: Finding somewhere to live in New York isn t easy. easy to do: This cake is very easy to make. It s a pretty easy game to learn. it is easy to do something: It is not … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
easy */*/*/ — I UK [ˈiːzɪ] / US [ˈɪzɪ] adjective Word forms easy : adjective easy comparative easier superlative easiest 1) not difficult to do, or not needing much work Finding somewhere to live in London isn t easy. easy to do: This cake is very easy to make … English dictionary
easy — [[t]i͟ːzi[/t]] ♦ easier, easiest 1) ADJ GRADED: oft it v link ADJ to inf, ADJ to inf If a job or action is easy, you can do it without difficulty or effort, because it is not complicated and causes no problems. The shower is easy to install... It … English dictionary
easy*/*/*/ — [ˈiːzi] adj I 1) not difficult, or not needing much work The test was easy.[/ex] The easiest way to get to Hertford is on the train.[/ex] It is easy to see why she likes him.[/ex] This cake is very easy to make.[/ex] 2) happy, confident, and not… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
easy does it — Take your time, do (it) slowly or carefully • • • Main Entry: ↑easy * * * easy does it spoken phrase used for telling someone to do something carefully or gently, especially when they are moving something large Thesaurus: ways of warning or… … Useful english dictionary