go down to something

go down to something
go down to something
[for something] to decline or diminish to some level. •

His temperature has gone down to normal.

Will the temperature go down to freezing tonight?

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • down on something — down on (someone/something) feeling angry or disappointed with someone or something. Dad s been down on me since I scraped the car backing out of the garage …   New idioms dictionary

  • down through something — down through sth idiom (formal) during a long period of time • Down through the years this town has seen many changes. Main entry: ↑downidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • down with something — down with sb/sth idiom used to say that you are opposed to sth, or to a person • The crowds chanted ‘Down with NATO!’ Main entry: ↑downidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • count down to something — count down (to (something)) to count backwards to the time when something is expected to happen. They had a clock that counted down the days, hours, and minutes to the new year. If you re counting down, spring is just ten days away …   New idioms dictionary

  • settle down to something — settle down to (something) to give something all of your attention. I settled down to read about the festival and what I could do there. Usage notes: often said about a meal: After work, we all settle down to a home cooked dinner …   New idioms dictionary

  • get down to something — ˌget ˈdown to sth derived to begin to do sth; to give serious attention to sth • Let s get down to business. • I like to get down to work by 9 …   Useful english dictionary

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  • crack down on something —    If the authorities crack down on something, they enforce the law by taking severe measures to restrict undesirable or criminal actions.     To reduce road accidents, it was decided to crack down on speeding …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • come down to something — come down to (something) to be recognized as the most important thing. It comes down to simply teaching the basics to these kids they don t know anything …   New idioms dictionary

  • come down with something — come down with (something) to become ill with a disease. Twenty two pupils came down with flu …   New idioms dictionary

  • down with something — 1. mod. comfortable with something; comfortable. (Usually with get.) □ Let’s get down with some good music. □ Pete wanted to get down with some grapes. 2. mod. ill with something; sick in bed with something. □ I was down with the flu for two… …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

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