go down the chute

go down the chute
go down the chute & go down the drain & go down the tube(s)
Sl. to fail; to be thrown away or wasted. •

Everything we have accomplished has gone down the chute.

The whole project went down the drain.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • down the chute — adv ruined, abandoned, beyond hope. These are racier versions of down the drain , down the pan or down the toilet , heard in the USA since the late 1970s and in Britain since the early 1980s. Bright enough to realise he is going down the tubes,… …   Contemporary slang

  • go down the chute — Go to go down the tube(s) …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • go down the chute — v. faill completely …   English slang

  • chute-the-chute — noun elevated railway in an amusement park (usually with sharp curves and steep inclines) • Syn: ↑roller coaster, ↑big dipper • Hypernyms: ↑elevated railway, ↑elevated railroad, ↑elevated, ↑el, ↑overhead railway …   Useful english dictionary

  • The Chute — ST episode name = The Chute Harry and Tom in prison series = Voyager ep num = Season 3, Episode 3 prod num = 147 date = September 18, 1996 writer = Clayvon C. Harris Kenneth Biller director = Les Landau guest = stardate = 50156.2 year = 2373 prev …   Wikipedia

  • chute-the-chute — /shooht dheuh shooht , shooht euh shooht /, n. 1. a ride or coaster, as at an amusement park or carnival, that provides thrills or excitement by moving passengers down steep dips and around sharp curves, esp. one having a track that ends in water …   Universalium

  • down the tubes/flush/chute — adv ruined, abandoned, beyond hope. These are racier versions of down the drain , down the pan or down the toilet , heard in the USA since the late 1970s and in Britain since the early 1980s. Bright enough to realise he is going down the tubes,… …   Contemporary slang

  • go down the drain — {v. phr.} To be lost or wasted forever. * /If he doesn t pass the bar examination tomorrow, his best efforts to become a lawyer will go down the drain./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • go down the drain — {v. phr.} To be lost or wasted forever. * /If he doesn t pass the bar examination tomorrow, his best efforts to become a lawyer will go down the drain./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • go down the tube(s) — AND go down the chute in. to fail totally; to be ruined. □ The whole project is likely to go down the tubes. □ All my plans just went down the chute …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Out of the Chute — House episode Episode no. Season 7 Episode 16 Directed by Sanford Bookstaver …   Wikipedia

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