give in (to someone or something)
- give in (to someone or something)
give in (to someone or something)
to yield to someone or something; to give up to someone or something. •
He argued and argued and finally gave in to my demands.
I thought he'd never give in.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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give preference to someone — give/show/preference to someone/something/ phrase to treat someone or something better than someone or something else, or to give an advantage to someone or something The scholarship committee will give preference to students from disadvantaged… … Useful english dictionary
give someone or something a clean bill of health — give (someone or something) a clean bill of health : to officially say that someone is healthy or that something is working correctly The doctor gave him a clean bill of health. The governor gives the program a clean bill of health. • • • Main… … Useful english dictionary
give someone or something a wide berth — give (someone or something) a wide berth : to avoid or stay away from (someone or something) I could see that she was in a bad mood, so I gave her a wide berth. • • • Main Entry: ↑berth give (someone or something) a wide berth see ↑berth, 1 • • • … Useful english dictionary
give in to someone — give in (to (someone/something)) to agree to something after originally opposing it. Brown shrugged his shoulders and gave in, surrendering to the police without a word. For a second she was tempted to give in to their whining, then thought they… … New idioms dictionary
give up on someone — give up on (someone/something) to stop expecting anything from someone or something. Some officials seem to have given up on our public schools. Lee was about to give up on ever getting to that party. Cook s supporters gave up on him a week… … New idioms dictionary
give it to someone straight — give it to (someone) straight to tell someone something unpleasant directly and honestly. Just give it to me straight how badly is he hurt? … New idioms dictionary
give a shit (about someone or something) — AND give a fuck (about someone or something) tv. to care about someone or something. (Usually objectionable.) □ If you think I give a shit about you or anyone else, you’re full of shit … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
give a fuck (about someone or something) — Go to give a shit (about someone or something) … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
knuckle under (to someone or something) — in. to give in to or accept someone or something. □ She always refused to knuckle under to anyone. □ You have to knuckle under to the system sometimes … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
someone or something from hell — n. omeone or something very intense, annoying, or challenging. (As if the person or thing were a demon from hell.) □ She is the nurse from hell and just loves to give shots. □ I just came back from a cruise from hell and have lots of horror… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
refer (someone) to something — refer (someone) to (someone/something) to give someone the name of someone else or of an organization. My doctor referred me to a cancer specialist. She was referred to the Rare Books department of the public library. Usage notes: people are… … New idioms dictionary