get up (off (of) something)
- get up (off (of) something)
get up (off (of) something)
to rise up and get off something. (
is usually retained before pronouns.) •
Please get up off the sofa. I have to turn the cushions over.
Get up off of it!
Dictionary of American idioms.
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get somebody off with something — ˌget ˈoff (with sth) | ˌget sb ˈoff (with sth) derived to receive no or almost no punishment; to help sb do this • He was lucky to get off with a small fine. • A good lawyer might be able to get you off. Main entry: ↑get … Useful english dictionary
get it off your chest — get it off (your) chest to tell someone about something that has been worrying you or making you feel guilty for a long time, in order to make you feel better. It was something that had been bothering me for some time and it felt good to get it… … New idioms dictionary
get it off chest — get it off (your) chest to tell someone about something that has been worrying you or making you feel guilty for a long time, in order to make you feel better. It was something that had been bothering me for some time and it felt good to get it… … New idioms dictionary
get it off your chest — If you get something off your chest, you confess to something that has been troubling you … The small dictionary of idiomes
get somebody off something — ˌget ˈoff sth | ˌget sb ˈoff sth derived to stop discussing a particular subject; to make sb do this • Please can we get off the subject of dieting? • I couldn t get him off politics once he had started. Main entry: ↑getderived … Useful english dictionary
get someone off your back — get (someone) off (your) back informal to stop someone trying to force you to do something, or to stop someone criticizing you. I had to sell my house to get the creditors off my back … New idioms dictionary
get someone off back — get (someone) off (your) back informal to stop someone trying to force you to do something, or to stop someone criticizing you. I had to sell my house to get the creditors off my back … New idioms dictionary
get sb off — UK US get off (sth) or get sb off (sth) Phrasal Verb with get({{}}/get/ verb ( tt , got, got, or US gotten) ► LAW to avoid punishment, or to help another person to avoid punishment for something: »She was charged with fraud, but her lawyer… … Financial and business terms
get sb off sth — UK US get off (sth) or get sb off (sth) Phrasal Verb with get({{}}/get/ verb ( tt , got, got, or US gotten) ► LAW to avoid punishment, or to help another person to avoid punishment for something: »She was charged with fraud, but her lawyer… … Financial and business terms
get someone off the hook — get/let (someone) off the hook to allow someone to escape from a difficult situation or to avoid doing something that they do not want to do. John s agreed to go to the meeting in my place, so that lets me off the hook … New idioms dictionary
get/start off on the right foot — ► get (or start) off on the right (or wrong) foot make a good (or bad) start at something. Main Entry: ↑foot … English terms dictionary