get to the point (of something)

get to the point (of something)
get to the point (of something)
Fig. to arrive at a discussion or explanation of the purpose of something. •

Please get to the point of all this.

Will you kindly get to the point?

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • get to the point — See: COME TO THE POINT …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get to the point — See: COME TO THE POINT …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get to the point — come/get/to the point phrase to stop talking about unimportant details and say what is most important We haven’t got all day, so please get to the point. Thesaurus: to mention something, or to be mentionedsynonym to admit that something is true …   Useful english dictionary

  • get to the point — verb To state (something) directly; as opposed to in a long winded way. Syn: cut to the chase, get on with it Ant: beat around the bush …   Wiktionary

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  • come to the point — or[get to the point] {v. phr.} To talk about the important thing; reach the important facts of the matter; reach the central question or fact. * /Henry was giving a lot of history and explanation, but his father asked him to come to the point./ * …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come to the point — or[get to the point] {v. phr.} To talk about the important thing; reach the important facts of the matter; reach the central question or fact. * /Henry was giving a lot of history and explanation, but his father asked him to come to the point./ * …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come to the point — come/get/to the point phrase to stop talking about unimportant details and say what is most important We haven’t got all day, so please get to the point. Thesaurus: to mention something, or to be mentionedsynonym to admit that something is true …   Useful english dictionary

  • Point — The smallest unit of price change quoted or, one one hundredth of a percent. Related: minimum price fluctuation and tick. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. point point 1 [pɔɪnt] noun [countable] 1. a single idea, opinion, or fact,… …   Financial and business terms

  • To turn the point of — Turn Turn (t[^u]rn), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Turned}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Turning}.] [OE. turnen, tournen, OF. tourner, torner, turner, F. tourner, LL. tornare, fr. L. tornare to turn in a lathe, to rounds off, fr. tornus a lathe, Gr. ? a turner s… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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