get religion — phrasal : to undergo religious conversion she got religion and died in the odor of sanctity Horace Wyndham * * * get religion informal phrase to become religious, especially suddenly and in a way that you claim makes you a morally better person… … Useful english dictionary
get religion — 1. to become very religious. He suddenly got religion when he went to college. 2. to start doing something in a serious and careful way. I get religion each time I do my income tax I always wonder why I didn t keep better records … New idioms dictionary
get religion — phrasal 1. to undergo religious conversion 2. to turn to or adopt an enlightened course of action or point of view … New Collegiate Dictionary
get religion — informal to become religious, especially suddenly and in a way that you claim makes you a morally better person … English dictionary
get religion — idi inf a) to become religious; acquire religious convictions b) to resolve to mend one s errant ways … From formal English to slang
find/get religion — informal + sometimes disapproving 1 : to become religious : to decide to follow a particular religion Lots of people get religion in prison. My dad found religion after surviving a car accident. 2 : to stop doing something that others think is… … Useful english dictionary
religion — [ri lij′ən] n. [ME religioun < OFr or L: OFr religion < L religio, reverence for the gods, holiness, in LL(Ec), a system of religious belief < ? religare, to bind back < re , back + ligare, to bind, bind together; or < ? re + IE… … English World dictionary
religion — religionless, adj. /ri lij euhn/, n. 1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and… … Universalium
religion — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ great, major ▪ universal, world ▪ Judaism is one of the great world religions. ▪ ancient, established … Collocations dictionary
religion — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) System of faith Nouns 1. religion, faith; theology, isagogics, divinity, deism, theism, monotheism, ditheism, polytheism, pantheism; liberation theology; scientific creationism; hagiology; belief, truth … English dictionary for students
religion — re|li|gion W2S2 [rıˈlıdʒən] n [Date: 1100 1200; : Latin; Origin: religio, probably from religare; RELY] 1.) [U] a belief in one or more gods ▪ The U.S. Constitution promises freedom of religion. ▪ a course on philosophy and religion 2.) a parti … Dictionary of contemporary English