get one's teeth into — To tackle, deal with, vigorously, eagerly, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑tooth * * * get (or sink) one s teeth into work energetically and productively on (a task) the course gives students something to get their teeth into … Useful english dictionary
get\ one's\ teeth\ into — • get one s teeth into • sink one s teeth into v. phr. informal To have something real or solid to think about; go to work on seriously; struggle with. After dinner, John got his teeth into the algebra lesson. Frank chose a subject for his report … Словарь американских идиом
get one's teeth into — ► get (or sink) one s teeth into work energetically and productively on. Main Entry: ↑tooth … English terms dictionary
get one's teeth into — or[sink one s teeth into] {v. phr.}, {informal} To have something real or solid to think about; go to work on seriously; struggle with. * /After dinner, John got his teeth into the algebra lesson./ * /Frank chose a subject for his report that he… … Dictionary of American idioms
get one's teeth into — or[sink one s teeth into] {v. phr.}, {informal} To have something real or solid to think about; go to work on seriously; struggle with. * /After dinner, John got his teeth into the algebra lesson./ * /Frank chose a subject for his report that he… … Dictionary of American idioms
get one’s teeth into something — AND sink one’s teeth into something tv. to undertake to do something. □ I can’t wait to sink my teeth into that Wallace job. □ Here, sink your teeth into this and see if you can’t manage this project … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
get one's teeth into — Make a vigorous start on … A concise dictionary of English slang
get (or sink) one's teeth into — work energetically and productively on. → tooth … English new terms dictionary
get (or take or have) the bit between (or N. Amer. in) one's teeth — begin to tackle a task in a determined way. → bit … English new terms dictionary
get the bit between one's teeth — ► get the bit between one s teeth begin to tackle something in a determined way. Main Entry: ↑bit … English terms dictionary
sink\ one's\ teeth\ into — • get one s teeth into • sink one s teeth into v. phr. informal To have something real or solid to think about; go to work on seriously; struggle with. After dinner, John got his teeth into the algebra lesson. Frank chose a subject for his report … Словарь американских идиом