- get one's comeuppance
- get one's comeuppanceto get a deserved punishment. •
I can't wait till that snobbish girl gets her comeuppance.
•Joe got his comeuppance when the teacher caught him making fun of her.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
I can't wait till that snobbish girl gets her comeuppance.
•Joe got his comeuppance when the teacher caught him making fun of her.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
comeuppance, get one's — Receive one s deserts. Meet ultimate disaster … A concise dictionary of English slang
comeuppance — n. (colloq.) well deserved misfortune to get one s comeuppance * * * [ˌkʌm ʌpəns] (colloq.) [ well deserved misfortune ] to get one s comeuppance … Combinatory dictionary
get it — (Roget s IV) v. 1. [To understand] Syn. comprehend, perceive, know; see understand 1 . 2. [To be punished] Syn. suffer, get what is coming to one, get one s just deserts, be scolded, be reprimanded, be admonished, be rebuked, be upbraided, suffer … English dictionary for students
comeuppance — noun (singular) informal a punishment or something bad which happens to you that you really deserve: get your compeuppance: You ll get your comeuppance one day, you ll see! … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
comeuppance — come|up|pance [kʌmˈʌpəns] n [singular] [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: Perhaps from come up to appear in a court of law ] a punishment or something bad which happens to you that you really deserve ▪ You ll get your comeuppance one day! … Dictionary of contemporary English
comeuppance — noun, informal the bad guys always get their comeuppance in the final scene Syn: just deserts, just punishment, due, retribution, requital, what s coming to one … Thesaurus of popular words
pay — v 1. compensate, remunerate, reward, recompense; reimburse, indemnify, refund; (usu. of debts, etc.) settle, satisfy, liquidate, discharge, clear off, square, honor, meet. 2. spend, expend, disburse, pay out; give, render, hand over, Sl. shell… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
merit — [n] advantage arete, asset, benefit, caliber, credit, desert, dignity, excellence, excellency, good, goodness, honor, integrity, perfection, quality, stature, strong point, talent, value, virtue, worth, worthiness; concept 693 Ant. demerit,… … New thesaurus
laugh — v 1. giggle, snicker, snigger, titter, tee hee, ha ha, haw haw, Sl. yuk yuk; Inf. break up, Inf. crack up, burst out laughing; shake with laughter, be convulsed, split one s sides, Inf. roll on the floor, Inf. be in stitches, Inf. double up or… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
mortify — [v] embarrass abase, abash, affront, annoy, belittle, chagrin, chasten, confound, control, crush, deflate, deny, disappoint, discipline, discomfit, disgrace, displease, get one’s comeuppance*, harass, humble, humiliate, put to shame, ridicule,… … New thesaurus
Jewish eschatology — Part of a series on Eschatology … Wikipedia