get — gettable, getable, adj. /get/, v., got or (Archaic) gat; got or gotten; getting, n. v.t. 1. to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension. 2. to cause to be in one s possession or succeed … Universalium
get — [[t]gɛt[/t]] v. got, got got•ten, get•ting, 1) to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a gift; to get a pension[/ex] 2) to cause to be in one s possession or be available for one s use or enjoyment; obtain; acquire: to … From formal English to slang
get — [c]/gɛt / (say get) verb (got, got or, Chiefly US, gotten, Archaic, gat, getting) –verb (t) 1. to obtain, gain, or acquire by any means: to get favour by service; get a good price. 2. to fetch or bring: I w …
get — verb 1) where did you get that hat? Syn: acquire, obtain, come by, receive, gain, earn, win, come into, take possession of, be given; buy, purchase, procure, secure; gather, collect, pick up … Thesaurus of popular words
get to — Synonyms and related words: accomplish, achieve, answer, approach, arrive, arrive at, arrive in, assail the ear, attain, attain to, be heard, be received, begin, blast away, blast off, blow in, bob up, bribe, buy, buy off, caress the ear, carry… … Moby Thesaurus
get up — verb Date: 14th century intransitive verb 1. a. to arise from bed b. to rise to one s feet c. climb, ascend 2. to go ahead or faster used in the imperative as a command especially to driven animals transitive verb 1. to make preparations for … New Collegiate Dictionary
Dark Age Ahead — is a 2004 book by Jane Jacobs describing what she sees as the decay of five key pillars in the U.S. and Canada. She argues that this decay threatens to create a dark age unless the trends are reversed. Jacobs characterizes a dark age as a mass… … Wikipedia
rise — v 1. get up, arise, levitate, ascend, uprise; get on one s feet, leap up, jump up, spring up, bolt up; clamber up, climb up, scale, go up, Inf. shin up, Inf. shinny up, Inf. shimmy up; scramble up, scrabble up, work one s way up, escalade,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
pass — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. gap, gorge; way, opening, notch, defile, passage; free ticket; crisis, predicament, condition,circumstance; leave [of absence]; slang, advance. See love. v. go through or by, bypass; get a passing… … English dictionary for students
proceed — I (continue) verb begin again, begin where one left off, carry on, get back to work, get on, recommence, reinstate, renew, resume, return, take up again II (co forward) verb act, advance, arise, emanate, ensue, extend, flow, follow, follow a… … Law dictionary
go far — verb 1. succeed in a big way; get to the top (Freq. 2) After he published his book, he had arrived I don t know whether I can make it in science! You will go far, my boy! • Syn: ↑arrive, ↑make it, ↑get in … Useful english dictionary