flat as a pancake — {adj. phr.} Very level; very flat; having no mountains or hills. * /A great part of the American Midwest is as flat as a pancake./ … Dictionary of American idioms
flat as a pancake — {adj. phr.} Very level; very flat; having no mountains or hills. * /A great part of the American Midwest is as flat as a pancake./ … Dictionary of American idioms
board — [bôrd] n. [ME & OE bord, a plank, flat surface (nautical senses via OFr bord, side of a ship < Frank * bord, akin to OE bord) < IE * bhr̥dho , board < * bheredh < base * bher , to cut] 1. a long, broad, flat piece of sawed wood ready… … English World dictionary
board — ► NOUN 1) a long, thin, flat piece of wood used in building. 2) a thin, flat, rectangular piece of stiff material used for various purposes. 3) the decision making body of an organization. 4) the provision of regular meals in return for payment.… … English terms dictionary
Flat Stanley — is the title character of a 1964 children s book (ISBN 0 06 009791 4) by Jeff Brown (born 1925 ndash; died December 3, 2003).Other books by Jeff Brown in this series: * Stanley In Space * Stanley and the Magic Lamp * Invisible Stanley * Stanley s … Wikipedia
Flat assembler — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda FASMD Versión DOS con IDE del FASM flat assembler (FASM) es un ensamblador libre, multi paso, con el estilo de la sintaxis de Intel que soporta las arquitecturas IA 32 y x86 64. El proyecto fue iniciado en 1999 por… … Wikipedia Español
Board — may refer to: *Board, a piece of lumber, or other rigid material made of wood, milled or sawn flat *Surfboard, skateboard, or snowboard (often made of fibreglass) *Board of directors or a similar governing or advisory committee *Mixing console,… … Wikipedia
Flat pack — is also a term used to describe Ready to assemble furnitureFlatpack is a US military standardized Printed circuit board surface mount component package. The military standard MIL STD 1835C defines: Flat package (FP). A rectangular or square… … Wikipedia
board — board1 [ bɔrd ] noun *** ▸ 1 flat piece of wood ▸ 2 for showing information ▸ 3 group that manages something ▸ 4 meals ▸ 5 examinations ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count a long thin flat piece of wood, used especially for making floors and other parts of… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
board — I UK [bɔː(r)d] / US [bɔrd] noun Word forms board : singular board plural boards *** 1) [countable] a long thin flat piece of wood, used especially for making floors and other parts of buildings There s a loose board in the bedroom floor. Boards… … English dictionary
board — board1 W1S1 [bo:d US bo:rd] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(information)¦ 2¦(for putting things on)¦ 3¦(group of people)¦ 4¦(in names)¦ 5¦(in building)¦ 6 on board 7¦(meals)¦ 8 go by the board 9¦(in water sports)¦ 10 across the board … Dictionary of contemporary English