fish someone or something out
- fish someone or something out
fish someone or something out of something & fish someone or something out†
to pull someone or something out of something or some place. •
She is down at the riverbank, fishing driftwood out of the water.
She fished out a lot of wood.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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fish someone/something out — PULL OUT, haul out, remove, extricate, extract, retrieve; rescue from, save from. → fish … Useful english dictionary
fish someone/something out — Syn: pull out, haul out, remove, extricate, extract, retrieve, rescue, save … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
fish — fish1 W1S2 [fıʃ] n plural fish or fishes [: Old English; Origin: fisc; related to Pisces] 1.) an animal that lives in water, and uses its ↑fins and tail to swim ▪ Ronny caught three huge fish this afternoon. ▪ Over 1,500 different specie … Dictionary of contemporary English
fish — fish1 [ fıʃ ] (plural fish or fish|es) noun *** 1. ) count an animal that lives in water and swims. It breathes by using its gills and moves by using its tail and fins . Saltwater fish live in the ocean and freshwater fish live in rivers and… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
fish — 1 /fIS/ noun plural fish or fishes (C) 1 an animal that lives in water, and uses its fins (1) and tail to swim: The lake is well stocked with fish. | catch a fish: Ronny caught three huge fish this afternoon. 2 (U) the flesh of a fish used as… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
fish out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms fish out : present tense I/you/we/they fish out he/she/it fishes out present participle fishing out past tense fished out past participle fished out 1) to pull someone or something out of the water A tourist… … English dictionary
fish — verb 1) some people were fishing in the lake Syn: go fishing, angle, trawl 2) she fished for her purse Syn: search, delve, look, hunt, grope, fumble, ferret, rummage … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
Out of My Mind (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) — Out of My Mind Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode Spike awakens after having a dream of Buffy Episode no. Season 5 E … Wikipedia
fish — 1) any chordate below the tetrapods. A poikilothermic aquatic chordate breathing by means of gills throughout life (accessory organs may be used) and having limbs, if any, in the form of fins. For convenience, lancelets, lampreys and hagfishes… … Dictionary of ichthyology
fish — I UK [fɪʃ] / US noun Word forms fish : singular fish plural fish or fishes *** 1) [countable] an animal that lives in water and swims. It breathes by using its gills and moves by using its tail and fins. Saltwater fish live in the sea and… … English dictionary
fish*/*/*/ — [fɪʃ] (plural fish fishes) noun [C/U] I an animal that lives in water and swims, or the meat of this animal • fish and chips a meal of fish and long thin pieces of potato, cooked in hot oil[/ex] II verb [I] fish [fɪʃ] 1) to try to catch fish 2)… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English