fill someone's shoes — fill someone’s shoes phrase to do the job that someone used to do Not many people could fill the old man’s shoes. Thesaurus: to work, and to work in a particular waysynonym Main entry: shoe * * * informal take over someone s function or duties… … Useful english dictionary
fill someone's shoes — fill (someone s) shoes to do what someone else has done as well as they did. He was a great coach, and it s not going to be easy to get someone to fill his shoes … New idioms dictionary
fill someone's shoes — ► fill someone s shoes (or boots) informal take over someone s role and fulfil it satisfactorily. Main Entry: ↑fill … English terms dictionary
fill someone's shoes (or boots) — informal take over someone s role and fulfil it satisfactorily. → fill … English new terms dictionary
fill someone's shoes — to do the job that someone used to do Not many people could fill the old man s shoes … English dictionary
fill someone's shoes — verb To do (somebodys) job; to perform or assume (somebodys) role. I dont think anyone could ever fill her shoes, doing all she does … Wiktionary
fill someone's shoes — take someone s place … English contemporary dictionary
fill someone's boots — ► fill someone s shoes (or boots) informal take over someone s role and fulfil it satisfactorily. Main Entry: ↑fill … English terms dictionary
fill shoes — fill (someone s) shoes to do what someone else has done as well as they did. He was a great coach, and it s not going to be easy to get someone to fill his shoes … New idioms dictionary
fill — ► VERB 1) make or become full. 2) block up (a hole, gap, etc.). 3) appoint a person to hold (a vacant post). 4) hold and perform the duties of (a position or role). 5) occupy (time). ► NOUN (one s fill) ▪ … English terms dictionary
step into someone's shoes — step into (someone s) shoes to take the job or position that someone else had before you. When his father retires, Victor will be ready to step into his shoes. It will take a very special person to fill Barbara s shoes … New idioms dictionary