fiddle while Rome burns

fiddle while Rome burns
fiddle while Rome burns
Fig. to do nothing or something trivial while knowing that something disastrous is happening. (From a legend that the Roman emperor Nero played the lyre while Rome was burning.) •

The lobbyists don't seem to be doing anything to stop this tax bill. They're fiddling while Rome burns.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • fiddle while Rome burns — To occupy oneself with trifles during a crisis • • • Main Entry: ↑fiddle * * * fiddle while Rome burns phrase to be busy doing unimportant things when you should be dealing with an important problem Thesaurus: to waste time, or to pass time doing …   Useful english dictionary

  • fiddle while rome burns — If people are fiddling while Rome burns, they are wasting their time on futile things while problems threaten to destroy them …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • fiddle while Rome burns — ► fiddle while Rome burns be concerned with trivial matters while ignoring the serious events going on around one. Main Entry: ↑fiddle …   English terms dictionary

  • fiddle while Rome burns —    If people are fiddling while Rome burns, they are wasting their time on futile things while problems threaten to destroy them.   (Dorking School Dictionary) …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • Fiddle while Rome burns —   If people are fiddling while Rome burns, they are wasting their time on futile things while problems threaten to destroy them …   Dictionary of English idioms

  • fiddle while Rome burns — to spend time enjoying yourself or doing things that are not important when you should be dealing with a serious problem. Environmentalists claim that the government is fiddling while Rome burns …   New idioms dictionary

  • fiddle while Rome burns — be concerned with relatively trivial matters while ignoring the serious events going on around one. → fiddle …   English new terms dictionary

  • fiddle while Rome burns — v. handle issues that are not really important and neglect important ones during a crisis …   English contemporary dictionary

  • fiddle while Rome burns — to be busy doing unimportant things when you should be dealing with an important problem …   English dictionary

  • fiddle — ► NOUN 1) informal a violin. 2) informal, chiefly Brit. an act of fraud or cheating. 3) informal an unnecessarily intricate or awkward task. ► VERB informal 1) touch or fidget with something restlessly or nervously. 2) chiefly Brit. falsify… …   English terms dictionary

  • fiddle — [c]/ˈfɪdl / (say fidl) verb (fiddled, fiddling) –verb (i) 1. to make aimless movements, as with the hands. 2. to play on the fiddle. 3. to trifle. 4. Colloquial to profit or gain by surreptitious crookedness. –verb (t) 5. to play (a tune) on a… …  

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