exempt someone from something
- exempt someone from something
exempt someone from something
to release someone from the obligation to do something; to allow a person not to be affected by a rule or law. •
I cannot exempt anyone from this rule.
The members of Congress exempted themselves from the wage freeze.
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exempt — ▪ I. exempt ex‧empt 1 [ɪgˈzempt] verb [transitive] 1. LAW to allow something that would normally be affected by a tax, law etc not to be affected: • Democrats would also tax the entire cost of private planes, while Republicans would exempt them.… … Financial and business terms
exempt — I UK [ɪɡˈzempt] / US adjective allowed to ignore something such as a rule, obligation, or payment a tax exempt savings account exempt from: Currently, developing nations are exempt from certain restrictions on carbon emissions. II UK [ɪɡˈzempt] / … English dictionary
exempt — ex|empt1 [ ıg zempt ] adjective allowed to ignore something such as a rule, obligation, or payment: a tax exempt savings account exempt from: Currently, developing nations are exempt from certain restrictions on carbon emissions. exempt ex|empt 2 … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
exempt — ex|empt1 [ıgˈzempt] adj [Date: 1300 1400; : Latin; Origin: exemptus, past participle of eximere; EXAMPLE] not affected by something, or not having to do it or pay it exempt from ▪ The interest is exempt from income tax . ▪ Children are exempt… … Dictionary of contemporary English
exempt — [[t]ɪgze̱mpt[/t]] exempts, exempting, exempted 1) ADJ: usu v link ADJ, usu ADJ from n If someone or something is exempt from a particular rule, duty, or obligation, they do not have to follow it or do it. Men in college were exempt from military… … English dictionary
exempt — /ɪg zempt/ adjective not covered by a law, or not forced to obey a law ● Anyone over 65 is exempt from charges ♦ exempt from tax not required to pay tax ● As a non profit making organisation we are exempt from tax. ■ verb 1. to free something… … Marketing dictionary in english
exempt — 1 verb (T) to give someone special permission not to do something that they would normally have to do: a special clause exempting children | exempt sb from: Marty s bad health exempts him from military service. 2 adjective having special… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
exempt — 1. noun One who has been released from something. 2. verb To grant (someone) freedom or immunity . See Also: exemption 3. adjective … Wiktionary
Interpreting contracts in English law — is an area of English contract law, which concerns how the courts decide what an agreement means. It is settled law that the process is based on the objective view of a reasonable person, given the context in which the contracting parties made… … Wikipedia
TAXATION — This article is arranged according to the following outline: historical aspects legal aspects the biblical period the talmudic period the post talmudic period in general yardsticks of tax assessment taxable property Place of Residence, Business,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
MEDICINE AND LAW — This article is arranged according to the following outline: introduction Judicial Decision – A Value Determination the values of a jewish and democratic state in the image of god PHYSICIAN S DUTIES AND PATIENTS RIGHTS the physician and the judge … Encyclopedia of Judaism