everything but the kitchen sink
- everything but the kitchen sink
everything but the kitchen sink
Cliché almost everything one can think of. •
When Sally went off to college, she took everything but the kitchen sink.
John orders everything but the kitchen sink when he goes out to dinner, especially if someone else is paying for it.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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everything but the kitchen sink — If people include everything but the kitchen sink, they include every possibility, regardless of whether they are useful … The small dictionary of idiomes
(everything but) the kitchen sink — humorous phrase nearly everything that you own Thesaurus: general words for possessionssynonym everything and including everythingsynonym Main entry: kitchen … Useful english dictionary
everything but the kitchen sink — informal, humorous everything imaginable * * * everything but the kitchen ˈsink idiom (informal, humorous) a very large number of things, probably more than is necessary • We seem to take everything but the kitche … Useful english dictionary
everything but the kitchen sink — noun Almost everything, whether needed or not. She must have brought everything but the kitchen sink along on the trip, and how she lifted her suitcase, I do not know. Syn: everything under the sun, with the whole lot … Wiktionary
everything but the kitchen sink — almost everything, the whole works We put everything in his truck, everything but the kitchen sink! … English idioms
everything but the kitchen sink — humorous a lot of different things, many of which you do not need. We were only going away for the weekend, but Jack insisted on taking everything but the kitchen sink … New idioms dictionary
everything but the kitchen sink — large number of miscellaneous objects or items (e.g. I have got everthing but the kitchen sink in my purse ) … English contemporary dictionary
Everything but the kitchen sink — large number of miscellaneous items … Dictionary of Australian slang
everything but the kitchen sink — Australian Slang large number of miscellaneous items … English dialects glossary
everything but the kitchen sink — A large quantity of miscellaneous objects … A concise dictionary of English slang
kitchen sink — attested by 1824. Phrase everything but (or and ) the kitchen sink is 1944, from World War II armed forces slang, in reference to intense bombardment. Out for blood, our Navy throws everything but the kitchen sink at Jap vessels, warships and… … Etymology dictionary