designate someone or something as something

designate someone or something as something
designate someone or something as something
to choose or name someone or something as something. •

Alice will designate Andrew as our representative.

She designated herself as the head of the committee.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • designate — designates, designating, designated (The verb is pronounced [[t]de̱zɪgneɪt[/t]]. The adjective is pronounced [[t]de̱zɪgnət[/t]].) 1) VERB When you designate someone or something, you formally give them a particular description or name. [V n as n] …   English dictionary

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  • designate — des|ig|nate1 [ˈdezıgneıt] v [T usually passive] 1.) to choose someone or something for a particular job or purpose be designated sth ▪ The lake was recently designated a conservation area. designate sth as/for sth ▪ Funds were designated for… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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  • designate — des|ig|nate1 [ dezıg,neıt ] verb transitive * 1. ) to formally choose someone or something for a particular purpose: Nobody has yet been designated as group leader. social workers designated to work with difficult children 2. ) FORMAL to give… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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