depend (up)on someone or something
- depend (up)on someone or something
depend (up)on someone or something
to rely upon someone or something. (
is formal and less commonly used than
.) •
Can I depend on you to do this right?
You can depend upon me for help.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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depend on/upon — [phrasal verb] depend on/upon (someone or something) 1 : to be determined or decided by (something) We re not sure if we ll have the picnic. It depends on the weather. [=if the weather is good we will have the picnic] “Will you go back to… … Useful english dictionary
raise a stink (about someone or something) — AND make a stink (about someone or something) tv. to make a big issue about someone or something. □ You can depend on Fred to raise a stink. □ I hope you don’t plan to make a stink about the problem … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
depend upon something — phrasal verb depend on or depend upon something [transitive] Word forms depend on : present tense I/you/we/they depend on he/she/it depends on present participle depending on past tense depended on past participle depended on 1) formal depend on… … English dictionary
depend on — phrasal verb depend on or depend upon something [transitive] Word forms depend on : present tense I/you/we/they depend on he/she/it depends on present participle depending on past tense depended on past participle depended on 1) formal depend on… … English dictionary
depend — de|pend [ dı pend ] verb *** it/that depends MAINLY SPOKEN used when you cannot give a definite answer, because different things are possible in different situations: sb s department what/where/how/when/whether/if: How much will I have to pay for … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
depend — de|pend W2S1 [dıˈpend] v [Date: 1400 1500; : French; Origin: dépendre, from Latin pendere to hang ] it/that depends spoken used to say that you cannot give a definite answer to something because your answer will be affected by something else ▪… … Dictionary of contemporary English
depend — /dI pend/ verb it /that depends spoken used to say that you cannot give a definite answer to something, because the answer could change according to what happens: “Are you going to visit him?” “Well, it depends.” depend on/upon phrasal verb (T) 1 … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
depend — [[t]dɪpe̱nd[/t]] ♦♦ depends, depending, depended 1) VERB If you say that one thing depends on another, you mean that the first thing will be affected or determined by the second. [V on/upon n] The cooking time needed depends on the size of the… … English dictionary
depend — /dɪ pend/ verb 1. ♦ to depend on to need someone or something to exist ● The company depends on efficient service from its suppliers. ● We depend on government grants to pay the salary bill. 2. to happen because of something ● The success of the… … Marketing dictionary in english
depend on — verb 1. be contingent on (Freq. 39) The outcomes rides on the results of the election Your grade will depends on your homework • Syn: ↑devolve on, ↑depend upon, ↑ride, ↑turn on, ↑hinge on, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
depend upon — verb 1. be contingent on (Freq. 16) The outcomes rides on the results of the election Your grade will depends on your homework • Syn: ↑depend on, ↑devolve on, ↑ride, ↑turn on, ↑hinge on, ↑ … Useful english dictionary