dash a letter off

dash a letter off
dash a note off† and dash a letter off
to write a note or letter quickly and send it off. •

I have to dash this letter off, then I will be with you.

I'll dash off a note to her.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • off — /awf, of/, adv. 1. so as to be no longer supported or attached: This button is about to come off. 2. so as to be no longer covering or enclosing: to take a hat off; to take the wrapping off. 3. away from a place: to run off; to look off toward… …   Universalium

  • Dash — Not to be confused with Hyphen or Minus sign. This article is about the punctuation mark. For other uses, see Dash (disambiguation). For guidelines on dash usage in Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Manual of Style#Dashes …   Wikipedia

  • dash off — verb 1. write quickly She dashed off a note to her husband saying she would not be home for supper He scratched off a thank you note to the hostess • Syn: ↑scratch off, ↑knock off, ↑toss off, ↑fling off • Topics: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • dash — dash1 [dæʃ] v [Date: 1200 1300; Origin: Probably from the sound of something breaking when hit] 1.) [I always + adverb/preposition] to go or run somewhere very quickly ▪ Olive dashed into the room, grabbed her bag, and ran out again. 2.) dash sb… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • dash — 1 verb 1 to go or run somewhere very quickly (+ into/across/behind etc): Olive dashed into the room, grabbed her bag and ran out again. 2 (transitive always + adv/prep) to make something move violently against a surface, usually so that it breaks …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • dash — I. verb Etymology: Middle English dasshen, probably from Middle French dachier to impel forward Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. to break by striking or knocking 2. to knock, hurl, or thrust violently 3. splash, spatter 4. a …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • dash — dash1 /dash/, v.t. 1. to strike or smash violently, esp. so as to break to pieces: He dashed the plate into smithereens against the wall. 2. to throw or thrust violently or suddenly: to dash one stone against another. 3. to splash, often… …   Universalium

  • dash — I. /dæʃ / (say dash) verb (t) 1. to strike violently, especially so as to break to pieces. 2. to throw or thrust violently or suddenly. 3. to splash violently; bespatter (with water, mud, etc.). 4. to apply roughly as by splashing. 5. to throw… …  

  • dash — I [[t]dæʃ[/t]] v. t. 1) to strike or smash violently, esp. so as to break to pieces: to dash a plate against a wall[/ex] 2) to throw or thrust violently or suddenly: to dash one stone against another[/ex] 3) to splash, often violently; bespatter …   From formal English to slang

  • off — /ɒf / (say of) adverb 1. away from a position occupied, or from contact, connection, or attachment: to take off one s hat; the handle has come off. 2. to or at a distance from, or away from, a place: to run off. 3. away or out of association or… …  

  • dash off — do or finish quickly, leave quickly I will dash off a letter now but then I must go to work …   Idioms and examples

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