cuddle up — ˌcuddle ˈup [intransitive] [present tense I/you/we/they cuddle up he/she/it cuddles up present participle cuddling up past tense … Useful english dictionary
cuddle — cud|dle1 [ˈkʌdl] v [I and T] [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: Perhaps from cull, coll to hug (14 18 centuries), from Old French coler, from col neck ] to hold someone or something very close to you with your arms around them, especially to show that you … Dictionary of contemporary English
cuddle — cud|dle1 [ kʌdl ] verb intransitive or transitive if you cuddle someone, you put your arms around them and hold them close to show that you like or love them: He took her in his arms and cuddled her. Couples were kissing and cuddling in corners … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
cuddle — 1 verb (I, T) to hold someone or something very close to you with your arms around them, especially to show that you love them: Dawn and her boyfriend were cuddling on the sofa. cuddle up phrasal verb (I) to lie or sit very close to someone or… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
cuddle puddle — (KUD.ul pud.ul) n. 1. A whirlpool bath or hot tub. 2. A group of people lying together on the floor hugging and massaging each other. Example Citation: 1. Strictly speaking, Jacuzzi is a brand name not a generic. ... Germans apparently call them… … New words
cuddle up — phrasal verb [intransitive] Word forms cuddle up : present tense I/you/we/they cuddle up he/she/it cuddles up present participle cuddling up past tense cuddled up past participle cuddled up to sit or lie with your body against someone else s… … English dictionary
ˌcuddle ˈup — phrasal verb to sit or lie with your body against someone else s because you want to feel warm or loved … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
nuzzle — [c]/ˈnʌzəl / (say nuzuhl) verb (nuzzled, nuzzling) –verb (i) 1. to burrow or root with the nose, as an animal does. 2. to thrust the nose (against, in, up, etc.): the pup nuzzled up close to the sick child. 3. to snuggle or cuddle up with someone …
Claudine Longet — Longet and Tim Conway, 1963. Background information Born 29 January 1942 (1942 01 29) … Wikipedia
pash — /pæʃ/ (say pash) Colloquial –noun 1. a session of passionate kissing, especially French kissing. 2. a long passionate kiss. 3. Obsolete a passion; infatuation: she s got a pash on him. –verb (i) 4. to kiss or cuddle. –verb (t) 5. to kiss and… …
snog — I Australian Slang 1. kiss and cuddle; canoodle; 2. act of kissing and cuddling: quiet snog in the corner II Irish Slang to make out, kiss III Everyday English Slang in Ireland v make out with or get off with (someone) … English dialects glossary