crowd someone or something out of something
- crowd someone or something out of something
crowd someone or something out of something & crowdsomeone or something out†
to push or force someone, something, or an animal out of something. •
Don't crowd your brother out of line!
Don't crowd out my favorite plants with all your rosebushes!
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crowd someone/thing out — exclude by taking the place of someone or something. → crowd … English new terms dictionary
crowd — crowd1 [kroud] vi. [ME crouden < OE crudan, to press, drive, akin to MHG kroten, to oppress < IE base * greut , to compel, press > CURD, Ir gruth, curdled milk] 1. to press, push, or squeeze 2. to push one s way (forward, into, through,… … English World dictionary
crowd — crowd1 W2S2 [kraud] n 1.) a large group of people who have gathered together to do something, for example to watch something or protest about something crowd of ▪ a crowd of angry protesters ▪ a crowd of 30,000 spectators ▪ There were crowds of… … Dictionary of contemporary English
crowd — 1 noun 1 (C) a large group of people in a public place: A vast crowd had assembled in the main square. 2 (C) a large number of a particular kind of people or things (+ of): a crowd of supporters | Kemp stepped out to face a crowd of cameras. |… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
crowd — [[t]kra͟ʊd[/t]] ♦♦ crowds, crowding, crowded 1) N COUNT COLL: oft N of n A crowd is a large group of people who have gathered together, for example to watch or listen to something interesting, or to protest about something. A huge crowd gathered… … English dictionary
crowd — noun a large number of people gathered together. ↘a large audience, especially at a sporting event. ↘informal, often derogatory a group of people with a common interest. verb 1》 [often as adjective crowded] (of a number of people) fill (a space)… … English new terms dictionary
Something Positive — logo, Mr. Personality. Author(s) R. K. Milholland Website http:/ … Wikipedia
crowd out — verb press, force, or thrust out of a small space The weeds crowded out the flowers • Syn: ↑force out • Hypernyms: ↑displace • Verb Frames: Somebody s something Somebody s somebody … Useful english dictionary
pick out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms pick out : present tense I/you/we/they pick out he/she/it picks out present participle picking out past tense picked out past participle picked out 1) to choose one thing or person from a group Have you picked … English dictionary
point out — verb 1. make or write a comment on (Freq. 42) he commented the paper of his colleague • Syn: ↑comment, ↑notice, ↑remark • Derivationally related forms: ↑remark (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
pick out — verb 1. pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives (Freq. 4) Take any one of these cards Choose a good husband for your daughter She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her • Syn: ↑choose, ↑take,… … Useful english dictionary