Crosses are ladders that lead to heaven.
- Crosses are ladders that lead to heaven.
Crosses are ladders that lead to heaven.
Prov. Having to endure trouble can help you to be virtuous. •
When Mary was diagnosed with cancer, her mother consoled her by saying that crosses are ladders that lead to heaven, and that though she might have to suffer in this world, she would surely be rewarded in the next.
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crosses are ladders that lead to heaven — There are two strands to the proverb, punning on two meanings of cross: in one, cross signifies the crucifix; in the other, it means ‘trouble, misfortune’. 1616 T. DRAXE Adages 36 The Crosse is the ladder of heauen. 1670 J. RAY English Proverbs 6 … Proverbs new dictionary
heaven — see heaven protects children, sailors, and drunken men crosses are ladders that lead to heaven God’s in his heaven, all’s right with the world marriages are made in heaven see also God … Proverbs new dictionary
lead — see if you are not the lead dog, the view never changes when the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch crosses are ladders that lead to heaven all roads lead to Rome … Proverbs new dictionary
Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs, Thematic Index — absence absence makes the heart grow fonder he who is absent is always in the wrong the best of friends must part blue are the hills that are far away distance lends enchantment to the view out of sight, out of mind … Proverbs new dictionary
pain — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Suffering Noun 1. pain, suffering, sufferance; hurt, cut; discomfort, painfulness; discomfort, malaise; nightmare; anguish, agony, misery, excruciation, torment, torture, rack; Weltschmerz; distress,… … English dictionary for students
Kreuz — 1. Anderer creutz lere dich das dein tragen. – Franck, I, 148b; Gruter, I, 5; Schottel, 1441b. Dän.: Andres kors lære dig at bære dit. – Lær du af andres kors hvorledes du skal bære dit. (Prov. dan., 355 u. 373.) 2. Creutz bewehrt tugent. –… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
no cross, no crown — Cross is used here punningly as in crosses are ladders that lead to heaven. 1609 T. BRETNOR Almanac March, Good days A crosse before a Crowne. 1621 F. QUARLES History of Queene Ester: Meditations ix. The way to Blisse lyes not on beds of Downe,… … Proverbs new dictionary
cross — noun see no cross, no crown crosses are ladders that lead to heaven verb see don’t cross the bridge till you come to it … Proverbs new dictionary
ladder — see crosses are ladders that lead to heaven … Proverbs new dictionary
Zugspitze — The Zugspitze massif from the west (left: the summit) Elevation 2,962 m (9,718 ft) … Wikipedia