creep — 1. noun /kriːp/ a) The movement of something that creeps (like worms or snails) Christmas creep. Feature creep. Instruction creep. Mission creep. b) A relatively small gradual change, variation or deviation (from a planned value) in a measure.… … Wiktionary
creep — vb Creep, crawl mean to move slowly along a surface in a prone or crouching position. Creep is more often used of quadrupeds or of human beings who move on all fours and proceed slowly, stealthily, or silently {a baby creeps before it walks}… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
creep somebody out — ˌcreep sb ˈout derived (creeped, creeped)(NAmE, informal) to make sb feel afraid, uncomfortable or disgusted • He said the empty streets creeped him out … Useful english dictionary
creep — creepingly, adv. /kreep/, v., crept, creeping, n. v.i. 1. to move slowly with the body close to the ground, as a reptile or an insect, or a person on hands and knees. 2. to approach slowly, imperceptibly, or stealthily (often fol. by up): We… … Universalium
creep — /krip / (say kreep) verb (i) (crept, creeping) 1. to move with the body close to the ground, as a reptile or an insect. 2. to move slowly, imperceptibly, or stealthily. 3. to enter undetected; to sneak up behind. 4. to move or behave timidly or… …
creep — [[t]krip[/t]] v. crept or, sometimes, creeped; creep•ing, n. 1) to move slowly with the body close to the ground, on hands and knees, or the like 2) to approach slowly and stealthily (often fol. by up) 3) to advance slowly and often with… … From formal English to slang
Hide and Creep — is an American horror/comedy film released in 2004. This film was based on an earlier short named Birthday Call . Both the film and the short were directed by Chuck Hartsell and Chance Shirley, and were written by Chance Shirley. The film was… … Wikipedia
Christmas creep — is a merchandising phenomenon in which merchants and retailers exploit the commercialized status of Christmas by moving up the start of the holiday shopping season.[1] The term was first used in the mid 1980s.[2] The Christmas season begins with… … Wikipedia
spread out — verb 1. move outward (Freq. 6) The soldiers fanned out • Syn: ↑diffuse, ↑spread, ↑fan out • Derivationally related forms: ↑spread (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
fan out — verb move outward (Freq. 4) The soldiers fanned out • Syn: ↑diffuse, ↑spread, ↑spread out • Derivationally related forms: ↑spread (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Check It Out (song) — For the John Mellencamp song, see The Lonesome Jubilee. Check It Out Single by and Nicki Minaj Rele … Wikipedia