dead end — n 1.) a street with no way out at one end 2.) a situation from which no more progress is possible come to/reach a dead end ▪ The negotiations have reached a dead end. 3.) dead end job a job with low wages and no chance of progress … Dictionary of contemporary English
dead end — noun (C) 1 a street with no way out at one end 2 a situation from which no more progress is possible: come to/reach a dead end: The negotiations have reached a dead end. 3 dead end job a job with low wages and no chance of progress … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
dead-end — [ded′end΄; ] for vi. [ ded΄end′] adj. 1. having only one exit or outlet [a dead end street] 2. giving no opportunity for progress or advancement [a dead end job ] ☆ 3. [after Dead End, a play (1935) by Sidney Kingsley about New York slum life]… … English World dictionary
dead end — UK US noun [C] ► a situation that is unlikely to be successful or to make any progress: »We had several customer leads that all turned out to be dead ends. »It s very demoralizing for her; she perceives that her career is at a dead end. reach/hit … Financial and business terms
come to a dead end — {v. phr.} To reach a point from which one cannot proceed further, either because of a physical obstacle or because of some forbidding circumstance. * /Our car came to a dead end; the only way to get out was to drive back in reverse./ * /The… … Dictionary of American idioms
come to a dead end — {v. phr.} To reach a point from which one cannot proceed further, either because of a physical obstacle or because of some forbidding circumstance. * /Our car came to a dead end; the only way to get out was to drive back in reverse./ * /The… … Dictionary of American idioms
One Piece The Movie: Dead End no Bōken — Kanji ONE PIECE THE MOVIE デッドエンドの冒険 Directed by Konosuke Uda Written by Yoshiyuki Suga Starring … Wikipedia
come\ to\ a\ dead\ end — v. phr. To reach a point from which one cannot proceed further, either because of a physical obstacle or because of some forbidding circumstance. Our car came to a dead end; the only way to get out was to drive back in reverse. The factory… … Словарь американских идиом
Dead centre — For the lathe tool, see lathe center. In a reciprocating engine, the dead centre is the position of a piston in which it is farthest from, or nearest to, the crankshaft. The former is known as top dead centre (TDC) while the latter is known as… … Wikipedia
Dead Rising — North American box art. Developer(s) Capcom Production Studio 1 Publisher(s) … Wikipedia
Dead Space (comics) — Dead Space Dead Space #1 (Mar 2008). Pencils, inks and colors by Ben Templesmith. Publication information Publisher Image Comics … Wikipedia