- chisel in (on someone or something)
- chisel in (on someone or something)Sl. to use deception to get a share of something. •
I won't chisel in on your deal.
•You had better not chisel in!
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
I won't chisel in on your deal.
•You had better not chisel in!
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
chisel — chis|el1 [ tʃızl ] noun count a tool with a flat metal blade used for cutting wood or stone chisel chis|el 2 [ tʃızl ] verb transitive 1. ) to cut wood or stone with a chisel: chisel something into/from/in something: An epitaph had been chiseled… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
chisel — I UK [ˈtʃɪz(ə)l] / US noun [countable] Word forms chisel : singular chisel plural chisels a tool with a flat metal blade used for cutting wood or stone II UK [ˈtʃɪz(ə)l] / US verb [transitive] Word forms chisel : present tense I/you/we/they… … English dictionary
chisel — chisellike, adj. /chiz euhl/, n., v., chiseled, chiseling or (esp. Brit.) chiselled, chiselling. n. 1. a wedgelike tool with a cutting edge at the end of the blade, often made of steel, used for cutting or shaping wood, stone, etc. 2. See chisel… … Universalium
chisel — [ tʃɪz(ə)l] noun a long bladed hand tool with a bevelled cutting edge, struck with a hammer or mallet to cut or shape wood, stone, or metal. verb (chisels, chiselling, chiselled; US chisels, chiseling, chiseled) 1》 cut or shape with a chisel. 2》… … English new terms dictionary
cut off — I verb 1. make a break in (Freq. 8) We interrupt the program for the following messages • Syn: ↑interrupt, ↑disrupt, ↑break up • Derivationally related forms: ↑disruption … Useful english dictionary
set up — verb 1. set up or found (Freq. 17) She set up a literacy program • Syn: ↑establish, ↑found, ↑launch • Ant: ↑abolish (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
pick — pick1 verb 1》 take hold of and remove (a flower or fruit) from where it is growing. ↘(often pick someone/thing up) take hold of and lift or move. ↘(pick up) Golf take hold of and lift up one s ball, especially when conceding a hole. 2》… … English new terms dictionary
rip off — verb deprive somebody of something by deceit The con man beat me out of $50 This salesman ripped us off! we were cheated by their clever sounding scheme They chiseled me out of my money • Syn: ↑cheat, ↑chisel • … Useful english dictionary
List of Canada's Worst Handyman 2 episodes — This is a list of episodes from Canada s Worst Handyman 2 , the second season of the Canadian television series that seeks to find the worst handyman in the country. Airdates listed are the first air dates on Discovery Channel Canada the date of… … Wikipedia
lead on — verb 1. entice or induce especially when unwise or mistaken (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: ↑entice, ↑lure, ↑tempt • Verb Frames: Somebody s somebody Something s somebody 2 … Useful english dictionary
List of Duck universe characters — The following are fictional characters appearing in the Duck universe, which revolves around the stories of Donald Duck and Scrooge McDuck. Much of this page is based upon the ideas of Don Rosa. Contents 1 Main characters 1.1 Donald Duck 1.2… … Wikipedia