eat someone out

eat someone out
chew someone out† and eat someone out
Fig. to scold someone. •

The sergeant chewed the corporal out; then the corporal chewed the private out.

The boss is always chewing out somebody.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • eat someone out of house and home — (informal) To live at the expense of another person so as to ruin him or her • • • Main Entry: ↑home * * * eat someone out of house and home humorous phrase to eat too much of someone’s food when you are a guest in their house Thesaurus: to eat a …   Useful english dictionary

  • eat someone out of house and home — eat (someone) out of house and home humorous to eat most of the food that someone has in their house. The boys have only been back two days and they ve already eaten me out of house and home …   New idioms dictionary

  • eat someone out of house and home — humorous to eat too much of someone s food when you are a guest in their house …   English dictionary

  • eat someone out of house and home — verb To consume such a portion of ones store of food that little is left for the owner. He hath eaten me out of house and home; he hath put all my substance See Also: out of house and home …   Wiktionary

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  • eat — [ it ] (past tense ate [ eıt ] ; past participle eat|en [ itn ] ) verb intransitive or transitive *** to put food into your mouth and swallow it: We sat on the grass and ate our sandwiches. Don t talk while you re eating. I ve eaten too much.… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • eat out of house and home — eat (someone) out of house and home humorous to eat most of the food that someone has in their house. The boys have only been back two days and they ve already eaten me out of house and home …   New idioms dictionary

  • eat */*/*/ — UK [iːt] / US [ɪt] verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms eat : present tense I/you/we/they eat he/she/it eats present participle eating past tense ate UK [et] / UK [eɪt] / US [eɪt] past participle eaten UK [ˈiːt(ə)n] / US [ˈɪt(ə)n] Other ways …   English dictionary

  • eat — eater, n. /eet/, v., ate /ayt/; esp. Brit. /et/ or (Archaic) eat /et, eet/; eaten or (Archaic) eat /et, eet/; …   Universalium

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