buy something at something
- buy something at something
buy something at something
1. to purchase something at a particular place or at a particular type of sale, such as a store, an auction, a clearance sale, etc. •
I bought this table at an auction.
This was bought at an auction.
2. to purchase something at a particular price or for a particular level of price. •
I bought shares in General Motors at forty and a half.
The shares were bought at a good price.
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buy something in — ˌbuy sthˈin derived (BrE) to buy sth in large quantities Main entry: ↑buyderived … Useful english dictionary
buy something up — ˌbuy sthˈup derived to buy all or as much as possible of sth • Developers are buying up all the land on the island. Main entry: ↑buyderived … Useful english dictionary
buy something in — withdraw something at auction because it fails to reach the reserve price. → buy … English new terms dictionary
buy — [bī] vt. bought, buying [ME bien < OE bycgan < ? IE base of BOW1] 1. to get by paying or agreeing to pay money or some equivalent; purchase 2. to get as by an exchange [buy victory with human lives] 3. to be the means of purchasing [all… … English World dictionary
buy/sell a pup — Brit informal + old fashioned ◇ To buy a pup means to pay too much money for something or to buy something that is worthless. To sell (someone) a pup means to trick someone into paying too much for something or into buying something that is… … Useful english dictionary
Something Borrowed — Données clés Titre québécois Duo à trois Titre original Something Borrowed Réalisation Luke Greenfield Scénario Jennie Snyder d après Duo à trois de Emily Giffin … Wikipédia en Français
buy a pig in a poke — buy something without seeing it or knowing if it will be satisfactory You shouldn t buy that car without first inspecting it. It is like buying a pig in a poke … Idioms and examples
buy a pig in a poke — buy something without been seen in advance … English contemporary dictionary
Buy — To purchase an asset; taking a long position. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. buy buy 1 [baɪ] verb bought PTandPP [bɔt ǁ bɒːt] [transitive] 1 … Financial and business terms
buy — To purchase an asset; taking a long position. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary bid (or buy) An offer to buy a specific quantity of a commodity at a stated price. The price that the market participants are willing to pay. Chicago Mercantile Exchange … Financial and business terms
buy — buy1 [ baı ] (past tense and past participle bought [ bɔt ] ) verb *** 1. ) intransitive or transitive to get something by paying money for it: I need to buy some new clothes. Now you can buy and sell shares on the Internet. Tickets can be bought … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English