beat the pants off (of) someone

beat the pants off (of) someone
beat the hell out of someone & beat the living daylights out of someone & beat the pants off (of) someone & beat the shit out of someone & beat the socks off (of) someone & beat the stuffing out of someone & beat the tar out of someone
1. Fig. to defeat someone very badly. (Caution: the use of the word


is considered vulgar and is offensive to many people.


is usually retained before pronouns.) •

Our team beat the hell out of the other side.

We beat the stuffing out of the other side.

2. Fig. Inf. to batter someone severely. (Alludes to physical violence, not the removal of someone's pants.


is usually retained before pronouns.) •

The thugs beat the living daylights out of their victim.

If you do that again, I'll beat the pants off of you.

Before the boxing match Max said he would beat the socks off Lefty.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • beat the pants off — {v. phr.} 1. To prevail over someone in a race or competition. * /Jim beat the pants off George in the swimming race./ 2. To give someone a severe physical beating. * /Jack beat the pants off the two young men who were trying to hold him up in… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • beat the pants off — {v. phr.} 1. To prevail over someone in a race or competition. * /Jim beat the pants off George in the swimming race./ 2. To give someone a severe physical beating. * /Jack beat the pants off the two young men who were trying to hold him up in… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • beat\ the\ pants\ off — v. phr. 1. To prevail over someone in a race or competition. Jim beat the pants off George in the swimming race. 2. To give someone a severe physical beating. Jack beat the pants off the two young men who were trying to hold him up in Central… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • beat the pants off — [beat/bore/scare etc.] the pants off (someone) informal if someone or something beats, bores, scares etc. the pants off someone, they beat, bore, or scare them completely. I hate sunbathing. It bores the pants off me. Horror films scare the pants …   New idioms dictionary

  • [beat/bore/scare etc.] the pants off someone — [beat/bore/scare etc.] the pants off (someone) informal if someone or something beats, bores, scares etc. the pants off someone, they beat, bore, or scare them completely. I hate sunbathing. It bores the pants off me. Horror films scare the pants …   New idioms dictionary

  • [beat/bore/scare etc.] the pants off — (someone) informal if someone or something beats, bores, scares etc. the pants off someone, they beat, bore, or scare them completely. I hate sunbathing. It bores the pants off me. Horror films scare the pants off me …   New idioms dictionary

  • (the) pants off someone — [beat/bore/scare etc.] the pants off (someone) informal if someone or something beats, bores, scares etc. the pants off someone, they beat, bore, or scare them completely. I hate sunbathing. It bores the pants off me. Horror films scare the pants …   New idioms dictionary

  • (the) pants off — [beat/bore/scare etc.] the pants off (someone) informal if someone or something beats, bores, scares etc. the pants off someone, they beat, bore, or scare them completely. I hate sunbathing. It bores the pants off me. Horror films scare the pants …   New idioms dictionary

  • bore the pants off — [beat/bore/scare etc.] the pants off (someone) informal if someone or something beats, bores, scares etc. the pants off someone, they beat, bore, or scare them completely. I hate sunbathing. It bores the pants off me. Horror films scare the pants …   New idioms dictionary

  • scare the pants off — [beat/bore/scare etc.] the pants off (someone) informal if someone or something beats, bores, scares etc. the pants off someone, they beat, bore, or scare them completely. I hate sunbathing. It bores the pants off me. Horror films scare the pants …   New idioms dictionary

  • pants — [ pænts ] noun plural ** 1. ) AMERICAN a piece of clothing that covers your body from your waist to your ANKLES and has a separate part for each leg: TROUSERS 2. ) BRITISH UNDERPANTS beat the pants off INFORMAL 1. ) to defeat an opponent easily 2 …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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