forgive me (for doing something) — forgive me (for doing something)/forgive my doing something/spoken phrase used when you want to say or do something that may offend the person you are talking to Forgive me, but I must leave now. Forgive me for asking, but how much did you pay… … Useful english dictionary
not be made for (doing) something — not be made for (doing) something/to do something/ phrase used to say that you do not like doing something or it is not right for you I wasn’t made for getting up early. Thesaurus: not suitable or convenientsynonym Main entry: made … Useful english dictionary
pardon me for (doing) something — spoken phrase used for saying ‘sorry’ for doing or saying something that you think might offend people Pardon me for interrupting, but there’s a phone call for you. Pardon me for saying so, but isn’t he a little old for her? Thesaurus: ways of… … Useful english dictionary
how's that for doing something — how s that for (doing something) this is an excellent example of doing something. After losing his old business, he started a new one that has five movies in production right now – how s that for ending up OK? … New idioms dictionary
have a genius for (doing) something — phrase to be very good at something He has a genius for convincing you that he is sincere. Thesaurus: to be good at doing somethingsynonym Main entry: genius … Useful english dictionary
be one for (doing) something — phrase to like or enjoy something very much Helen is always one for a good party. I’ve never been a great one for playing games. Thesaurus: to enjoy something, or to enjoy yourselfsynonym to like somethingsynonym … Useful english dictionary
how are you placed for doing something? — british spoken phrase used for asking whether someone can do something How are you placed for looking after the kids at the weekend? Thesaurus: ways of asking questions and making requestshyponym to ask a question or questionssynonym … Useful english dictionary
it serves someone right (for doing something) — phrase used for saying that you think someone deserves something unpleasant that happens to them ‘I feel awful.’ ‘It serves you right for eating so much.’ Thesaurus: deserving and deservedsynonym to buy somethingsynonym Main entry: serve … Useful english dictionary
be remembered for (doing) something — be remembered as someone/for (doing) something/ phrase to be famous for a particular reason They will be remembered for their dedication to the charity. She’d rather be remembered as an actress than a model. Thesaurus: to be, or to become famous… … Useful english dictionary
there's much to be said for doing something — there s [much/a lot etc.] to be said for (something/doing something) something that you say which means that something has a lot of advantages. There s a lot to be said for living alone … New idioms dictionary
there's a lot to be said for doing something — there s [much/a lot etc.] to be said for (something/doing something) something that you say which means that something has a lot of advantages. There s a lot to be said for living alone … New idioms dictionary