bag on someone

bag on someone
bag on someone
Sl. to criticize someone. •

Stop bagging on me! I'm tired of all your complaining.

If you are going to bag on everyone all the time, I don't want to hear about it.

Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.

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  • bag on someone — in. to criticize someone. □ Stop bagging on me! I’m tired of all your complaining. D If you are going to bag on everyone all the time, I don’t want to hear about it …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • bag on (someone) — vb American to insult or deride. A term from black street slang from the 1990s, it is probably adapted from earlier slang senses of bag as in to dismiss, abandon, etc. but is unlikely to be related to the similar Aus tralian use of bagging to… …   Contemporary slang

  • bag — bag1 [ bæg ] noun count *** 1. ) a container made of paper, plastic, or cloth, used for carrying or storing things: Put your dirty clothes in the plastic bag. He was weighed down by shopping bags. a golf bag a ) the things in a bag, or the amount …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • bag — I UK [bæɡ] / US noun [countable] Word forms bag : singular bag plural bags *** 1) a container made of paper, plastic, or cloth, used for carrying or storing things Put your dirty washing in the plastic bag. He was weighed down by shopping bags. a …   English dictionary

  • Bag (disambiguation) — Bag has several meanings: * A bag or sack is a non rigid container. * In set theory and computer science, a multiset, sometimes called a bag , is a data structure. * bag is a very slow song in the video game Dance Dance Revolution EXTREME . * A… …   Wikipedia

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  • bag of tricks — (someone s) bag of tricks all the clever methods by which someone achieves something. It remains to be seen what this side will pull out of their bag of tricks for the semi final …   New idioms dictionary

  • bag of bones — If someone is a bag of bones, they are very underweight …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • bag of nerves — If someone is a bag of nerves, they are very worried or nervous …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • bag — bag1 W2S1 [bæg] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(container)¦ 2¦(amount)¦ 3 old/stupid bag 4¦(a lot of something)¦ 5 pack your bags 6¦(eyes)¦ 7 a bag of bones 8 in the bag 9¦(trousers)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bag — 1 noun (C) 1 CONTAINER a) a container made of paper, cloth etc, which usually opens at the top: a paper bag | a sports bag b) a small bag used by a woman to carry her personal possessions; handbag: Don t leave your bag in the office when you go… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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