annex — [n] something added; extension addendum, addition, adjunct, affix, appendix, arm, attachment, ell, subsidiary, supplement, wing; concepts 440,441,484 annex [v] join or add adjoin, affix, append, appropriate, associate, attach, connect, fasten,… … New thesaurus
annex — an·nex /ə neks, a ˌneks/ vt 1: attach (2) correspondence annex ed to the petition a greenhouse annex ed to the building 2: to incorporate (as a territory) within a po … Law dictionary
Annex — An*nex , n. [F. annexe, L. annexus, neut. annexum, p. p. of annectere.] Something annexed or appended; as, an additional stipulation to a writing, a subsidiary building to a main building; a wing. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
annex — [ə neks′, aneks′; ] for n. [ an′eks΄] vt. [ME annexen < OFr annexer < L annexus, pp. of annectere < ad , to + nectere, to tie, bind: see NET1] 1. to add on or attach, as a smaller thing to a larger; append 2. to add to as a condition,… … English World dictionary
Annex (comics) — Superherobox| caption =Annex. Art by Steve Uy.. comic color = background:#ff8080 character name=Annex real name=Alexander Ellis publisher=Marvel Comics debut= Amazing Spider Man Annual #27 (1993) creators=Jack Harris Tom Lyle alter ego= Alexander … Wikipedia
annex — annexable, adj. v. /euh neks , an eks/; n. /an eks, iks/, v.t. 1. to attach, append, or add, esp. to something larger or more important. 2. to incorporate (territory) into the domain of a city, country, or state: Germany annexed part of… … Universalium
annex — an•nex v. [[t]əˈnɛks, ˈæn ɛks[/t]] n. [[t]ˈæn ɛks, ɪks[/t]] v. t. 1) to attach, append, or add, esp. to something larger or more important 2) gov to incorporate (territory) into the domain of a city, country, or state: Germany annexed part of… … From formal English to slang
annex — verb (t) /ˈænɛks / (say aneks), /əˈnɛks / (say uh neks) 1. to attach, join, or add, especially to something larger or more important; unite; append; subjoin. 2. to invade and take possession of (a neighbouring country, territory, etc.). 3. to… …
annex — I. transitive verb Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French annexer, from annexe attached, from Latin annexus, past participle of annectere to bind to, from ad + nectere to bind Date: 14th century 1. to attach as a quality, consequence, or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
annex — /aneks/ Derived from the Latin annectere, meaning to tie or bind to. To attach, and often, specifically, to subjoin. To add to; to unite. The word expresses the idea of joining a smaller or subordinate thing with another, larger, or of higher… … Black's law dictionary
annex — /aneks/ Derived from the Latin annectere, meaning to tie or bind to. To attach, and often, specifically, to subjoin. To add to; to unite. The word expresses the idea of joining a smaller or subordinate thing with another, larger, or of higher… … Black's law dictionary