- address something to someone
- address something to someoneto write someone's name and address on an envelope, package, letter, etc. •
Gilbert addressed the envelope to Walter.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
Gilbert addressed the envelope to Walter.
Dictionary of American idioms. 2013.
address — I UK [əˈdres] / US / US [ˈædres] noun [countable] Word forms address : singular address plural addresses *** 1) the name of the place where you live or work, including the house or office number and the name of the street, area, and town. It may… … English dictionary
address — ad|dress1 [ ə dres, ædres ] noun count *** 1. ) the name of the place where you live or work, including the house or office number and the name of the street, area, and town. It may also include a set of numbers, called a zip code in American… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
address — ▪ I. address ad‧dress 1 [əˈdres ǁ əˈdres, ˈædres] noun [countable] the number of the building and the name of the street and town etc where someone lives or works, especially when written on a letter or package: • I wrote the wrong address on the … Financial and business terms
address — /ə dres/ noun the details of number, street and town where an office is located or a person lives ● My business address and phone number are printed on the card. ■ verb 1. to write the details of an address on an envelope or package ● a letter… … Dictionary of banking and finance
address — noun 1》 the particulars of the place where a person lives or an organization is situated. 2》 Computing a binary number identifying a location in a data storage system or computer memory. 3》 a formal speech. ↘archaic a person s manner of… … English new terms dictionary
address — 1 noun 1 (C) the number of the building and the name of the street and town etc where someone lives or works, especially when written on a letter or package: I wrote the wrong address on the envelope. | change of address: Please notify us of any… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
address — [[t]ədre̱s, AM æ̱dres[/t]] ♦♦ addresses, addressing, addressed 1) N COUNT: usu poss N Your address is the number of the house, flat, or apartment and the name of the street and the town where you live or work. The address is 2025 M Street,… … English dictionary
address — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. direct; court, woo; accost, greet, approach, speak to. n. street and number; residence, home; speech, discourse, oration; cleverness, dexterity. See direction, indication, abode, courtesy, skill.… … English dictionary for students
Addressing someone — When you talk to someone, you sometimes use their name. You can sometimes use their title, if they have one. Sometimes you use a word that shows how you feel about them, for example darling or idiot . Words used to address people are called… … Useful english dictionary
addressing someone — When you talk to someone, you sometimes use their name. You can sometimes use their title, if they have one. Sometimes you use a word that shows how you feel about them, for example darling or idiot . Words used to address people are called… … Useful english dictionary
street address — n. information of the location where something or someone may be found … English contemporary dictionary