addict someone to something
- addict someone to something
addict someone to something
to cause someone to become habituated to something, usually alcohol or some another drug. •
The hospital personnel were thought to have addicted John to morphine.
She ended up addicting herself to the substance.
Dictionary of American idioms.
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addict — ad·dict || ædɪkt n. one who is devoted to a certain habit; habitual drug user v. cause to become dependent on, cause to become addicted to (a habit forming substance); compulsively devote oneself to someone or something … English contemporary dictionary
addict — ad·dict 1 /ə dikt/ vt: to cause (a person) to become physiologically dependent upon a drug ad·dict 2 / a dikt/ n: one who is addicted to a drug Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
addict — ad|dict [ˈædıkt] n [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: , past participle of addicere to give to formally or legally , from ad to + dicere to say ] 1.) someone who is unable to stop taking drugs drug/heroin/morphine etc addict ▪ a recovering heroin … Dictionary of contemporary English
addict — noun (C) 1 someone who is unable to stop taking drugs: treatment centers for addicts | drug/heroin/morphine etc addict: Many heroin addicts have contracted AIDS. 2 someone who spends too much time doing something they like: a television addict … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
addict — n. someone showing a strong preference for something or someone. (A combining form not related to drug addiction.) D Sam is a real opera addict. He just loves the stuff. □ My uncle is a mystery addict … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
addict — 1. noun /ˈædɪkt,əˈdɪkt/ a) A person who is addicted, especially to a harmful drug b) An adherent or fan (of something) Syn: junkie, slave … Wiktionary
bring someone face to face with something — bring (someone) face to face with (something) come face to face with (something) to see or experience a problem for the first time. They were brought face to face with the fact that their son was a drug addict when he took an overdose … New idioms dictionary
bring someone face to face with — bring (someone) face to face with (something) come face to face with (something) to see or experience a problem for the first time. They were brought face to face with the fact that their son was a drug addict when he took an overdose … New idioms dictionary
bring face to face with something — bring (someone) face to face with (something) come face to face with (something) to see or experience a problem for the first time. They were brought face to face with the fact that their son was a drug addict when he took an overdose … New idioms dictionary
hook — 1. tv. to cheat someone. □ Watch the clerk in that store. He might try to hook you. □ They hooked me on the car deal. 2. tv. to steal something. □ Lefty hooked a couple of candy bars just for the hell of it. □ … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
List of Chicano Caló words and expressions — The following is a list of Chicano slang words and expressions, known as Caló, also spelled Calo and Kalo by modern Chicano youth. It does not list words and expressions of the language of the Spanish Roma people, which is also called Caló,… … Wikipedia